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About us

The Talley Community Amenity Association (TCAA) is a charitable limited liability company registered at Companies House and with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. It exists to promote facilities for recreation and leisure activities and to Preserve and develope the ecologyand biodiversity of the Talley land it manages.

The Association is run in accordance with its “Articles of Association” by a team of Trustees. The Trustees hold regular meetings, to which all members are invited. Although only Trustees may vote at these meetings, members are free to speak and raise any concerns they may have or any other relevant topic they consider worthy of consideration by the Trustees. Any local resident may apply to become a member. If YOU want to see improved leisure facilities and improved biodiversity locally, why not join us? Membership is free to all.

We love anyone to join us helping with the practical path clearing, coppicing, hedge laying etc …. Send us a message or watch for us on Facebook.

Current Officers and Trustees

Following elections at the Annual General Meeting held in September 2010, the Officers and Board of Trustees for the coming twelve months will be :

Chairman/Secretary Linda Tame
Treasurer Angela Hastilow
Ian Tame
Catherine Nakielny
David John

Community Website. TCAA now owns two website addresses – and Members of local clubs and organisations are encouraged to contribute to the website content.

Contact Details

For further information about the Talley Community Amenity Association or to become involved with the work of TCAA, please contact Linda Tame

TCAA manage the 66 acres of land between these two areas of NRW owned forestry areas. It consists of: areas of acid pasture, several areas of trees planted around 2004 and an older area of woodland. Using money from a Sustainable Management Grant from the EU and Welsh Government the aim for the next two years (2020 to 2022)is to develop this area to improve biodiversity, though clearing brash, tree maintainance and conservation grazing.