Rhith-daith o gwmpas Gerddi Agored Talyllychau
12 fed a 13 eg Mehefin 2020
Y mae Gerddi Agored Talyllychau wedi eu cynnal ar y cyd rhwng Eglwys Sant Mihangel a Chymdeithas Amwynder Cymuned Talyllychau ers 2010, ond ar y 10f ed achlysur rydym wedi gorfod newid y patrwm eleni oherwydd y sefyllfa Coronavirus. Am na allwn ni fynd allan am y diwrnod i weld gerddi eincymdogion, rydym wedi penderfynu cael rhith-deithiau o gwmpas y gerddi eleni – Croeso I rhith-daith o gwmpas Gerddi Agored Talyllychau 2020.
Diolch i bawb sydd wedi danfon lluniau o’u gerddi atom yn ystod yr adeg anodd yma, rydym yn eu gwerthfawrogi yn fawr iawn. Mae’r lluniau wedi cael eu tynnu dros y misoedd a’r wythnosau diwethaf a medrwch weld y newidiad trwy’r tymhorau.
Felly arllwyswch gwpanaid o de neu goffi neu lased o rywbeth oer a mwynhewch.
Os hoffech roi cyfraniad, mae croeso I chwi wneud hynny. Fe fydd yr arian yn cael eu rannu’n gyfartal rhwng Eglwys Sant Mihangel a’r CACT.
Ty Ann Arthur, Talley, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire SA19 7AX
Talley Virtually Open Gardens
12th & 13th June 2020
Talley Open Gardens has been held jointly by St. Michael’s Church and the
Talley Community Amenity Association since 2010, but on its 10th anniversary we have changed the format due to the Coronavirus situation. As we can’t go out a see other people’s gardens for the day, we have decided to open the gardens of Talley virtually – Welcome to Talley Virtually Open Gardens 2020.
Thank you to everyone who sent pictures of their gardens in this unprecedented time, it is much appreciated. The photos have been taken over the last few months and weeks as we have seen them change through the seasons.
So grab yourself a cuppa or a glass of something cold and enjoy.
If you would like to make a donation, please feel free.
We would normally raise approx. £250 from our Open Gardens event each year, as well as enjoying cream teas and the PTA bar. If you would like to make a donation, here’s how to do it:
Post – TCAA, Ty Ann Arthur, Talley, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire SA19 7AX
PayPal – tcaa2002@gmail.com
Any money raised will be split equally between the Talley Community Amenity Association (Charity Number 1097539) and St. Michael’s Church, Talley.
Thank you for your support.
Ty Ann Arthur, Talyllychau, Llandeilo, Sir Gar SA19 7AX
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Bella’s Station
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Eve’s Garden
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